Meet the Makers – The Journey Starts Here

Meet the Makers – The Journey Starts Here

Meet Katie and Tom, who have been together since December 2011. They fell pregnant naturally in January 2015 and then married in April 2015, unfortunately, two weeks before the wedding, at their 12 week scan the couple had found out that the baby they went to see for...

Why we need to talk about childless women differently

I was really looking forward to speaking to Jody Day on the podcast again. I’ve heard Jody talk numerous times at Fertility Fest and am always struck by her determination and positivity when it comes to talking about her work and her book ‘Living the Life...
How the challenge of Everest compares with dealing with infertility

How the challenge of Everest compares with dealing with infertility

Meet Jessica Hepburn, who has been a previous podcast guest and always a pleasure to speak to. After a jampacked few months, Jessica’s currently has her hit play Avalanche staring the amazing Maxine Peak, showing in Sydney Do have a listen to previous chats...

There is nothing ‘Only’ about my child

“Family size is one of those topics that ought to be crossed off the list of things you discuss with strangers”   – Anita Diamante I wrote this post for British Infertility Counsellors Association Journal after the lovely Kate Brian reached out to me, after...

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