Hear what’s different about this year’s fertility show

This year The Fertility Show is opening on Friday night So you can go after work and learn more about fertility MOTs, egg freezing, having a natural cycle, treatment abroad, and solo motherhood – so I caught up with Managing Director Laura Biggs to chat about...
The Fertility Podcast is 5!

The Fertility Podcast is 5!

I decided to launch this podcast once successfully pregnant after IVF. I never in my wildest dreams imagined I’d still be making it five years on, yet here I am with all sorts of fascinating conversations being shared over the last five years. I’ve now...

How do I cope with the stress of IVF at work?

Meet Shelia Cameron, the CEO of Lloyds Market Association who I spoke to after hosting a panel discussion at the Dive In Festival last month. Sheila spoke in front of an audience for the first time about what it’s like to navigate a fertility journey in the fast-paced...
How do I deal with primary ovarian insufficiency?

How do I deal with primary ovarian insufficiency?

Meet Amy Bennie, Trustee and Chair of the Daisy Network. Daisy Network is a charity dedicated to providing information and support to women diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency. We discussed what is Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)  –  a term used...

What are the latest PCOS guidelines?

Professor Adam Balen talked through the new PCOS guidelines, with regards to diet and also the issues around Clomid, explaining he prefers to use Letrozole.  One of the most common misconceptions he says he still hears is women who have been told they won’t get...

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