What should I eat when trying to get pregnant?

Mar 5, 2021

It’s been a brilliant couple of weeks relaunching this podcast and thanks to you being brilliant, the podcast was charting in 23 countries around the world, had gone up to the top 50 within Mental Health and was within the top 150 in Health and Fitness around the world which we’re pretty chuffed with. Keep adding your reviews on our new sound as it makes such a difference and we’d love to keep up the momentum. Here’s the link.

We’ve been talking about what to eat and even if you’ve been listening to us for a while, do check out our chat with the brilliant Ro Huntriss who is a fertility dietician as she gives such sound advice on things to consider for egg and sperm health, as well as if you are trying to eat a vegan diet.

Ro has a brilliant Instagram account which is highly recommended by us for a follow as she has nailed it when it comes to infographics. Having gone back to the start with the pod, one of our aims is to myth bust some of the many conversations you have heard about what’s best for you. We’re all so different, it is never going to be one size fits all which is why we try to signpost you in the right direction.

We’re trying to break it down and make it easy to consume for you, so our episodes are shorted and more concise.
It’s never going to be simple as infertility is such a complicated puzzle, and there is no one size fits all. It’s your puzzle and I just hope you feel supported in fitting all the pieces together. If you are just finding this podcast as you’ve started searching for advice on how to optimise your chances of getting pregnant, you can find more episodes here and do make sure you join my mailing list to get my 6 top tips to save your sanity whilst trying to conceive. Looking after your emotional wellbeing is as important as your physical health and I’ve got great support available.  You can book in to chat right now. 

Hope to speak to you soon.

Natalie x


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