How do you cope with trying one more cycle of IVF?

Nov 30, 2020

In this episode of our Later Years series, we focus on a real-life fertility story and welcome TV personality and model Rhian Sugden to the show.

Rhian and her husband,  Coronation Street actor Oliver Mellor have been together for 8 years and a year ago after fertility tests, Rhian was told the devastating news that her ovarian reserve was very low and she would need IVF. At the time of recording, she was about to start her 3rd round of IVF. Rhian has been advised to consider a donor egg, but at the moment, she just wants to give it one more try – an emotion that we’re sure is familiar with many of you.

Both Rhian and her husband are in the public eye, and their journey so far has been all about living this experience publicly. It’s been a rocky road so far. Unfortunately, Rhian has experienced some negative comments and has been trolled on social media, but equally, Rhian has found support from women in similar situations, on Instagram, through sharing all she is going through.

During Rhian’s IVF treatment she started to notice a strange side effect – an increase in freckles! Rhian’s IVF medication caused hyperpigmentation of her skin. Hyperpigmentation is not well researched, but women do report this side effect and it is quite likely the false ‘menopausal state’ that IVF meds propel you into, could be the reason why this occurs for some women.

Rhian has looked into what’s involved with donor egg. We chat about epigenetics and how it is possible for a woman to influence the genetic make-up of the donor egg once in utero. Rhian now feels really positive about this option and no longer fearful of considering this option to create her family should she need to.

Sadly, since recording Rhian let us know that her 3rd IVF failed. Rhian and Oliver are very much in our thoughts and we did make sure Rhian was happy for us to still publish our conversation, which she gave us her blessing.


Rhian’s IVF focused insta 

Natalie on Insta

Kate on Insta

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