Podcast – Getting Pregnancy Ready

What happens to our frozen embryos?

What happens to our frozen embryos?

We’re in a conversation about what happens to our frozen embryos and the future of cryo storage with Cynthia Hudson. Cynthia is...

How Happy is Your Embryologist

How Happy is Your Embryologist

In this episode, we’re talking to some incredibly passionate people who absolutely love their jobs. Let's meet the Embryologists...

Bitesize – Egg Health

Egg health is a topic Kate and I are always asked about and having spoken with Embryologist Lucy Lines, on the podcast before we...

So What is the Postcode Lottery?

So what is the Postcode lottery?  Well we’ve been talking about it here on the podcast for years ( since we started to be honest...

Is IUI Worth it?

In this week’s episode, we talk to fertility consultant Rami Wakim. Rami, among other areas of expertise, specializes in...

How to choose a fertility clinic

Earlier in June, a hugely important review by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) was published. This review produced...

Infertility Knows No Colour

This week we have a bumper episode and have not one guest, but three! Our episode is all about the fact that infertility knows...

Unexplained Infertility

Unexplained Infertility

Unexplained Infertility In this episode, we’re together, in person and in the same room!! What a novelty. We’re talking...

Unexplained Infertility

Unexplained InfertilityIn this episode, we’re together, in person and in the same room!! What a novelty. We’re talking...

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