BONUS EPISODE FERTILITY FEST 2018: You, Me and The Pornstar

Jun 25, 2018

To hear the podcast interview with Damian Sizer and Omari Biriye please come and join our community and become a Patreon of the podcast – click this link to join us and get even more support
You, Me, and The Pornstar

Men have the ‘easy bit’ in IVF. Right? They just have to go into a room with Playboy or their favorite porn movie and wank. Wrong! This isn’t how they wanted to conceive a child either. So how does it feel that the most important part of the conception of their child is likely to be them on their own in what feels like a broom cupboard with a sticky magazine?

Photographer Aaron Deemer will be talking about his project – Please Make Yourself Uncomfortable – which documents semen producing rooms in clinics up and down the country. And playwright Gareth Farr will be talking about writing The Quiet House – his play about the experience of IVF on a man (and his wife).

The artists will be joined on stage by Damian Sizer, former IVF patient, and Omari Biriye, one of the young people involved in Fertility Fest’s Modern Families fertility arts education project. Chaired by the Fertility Podcast’s Natalie Silverman.

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