The impact of Coronavirus on your Fertility Treatments

The impact of Coronavirus on your Fertility Treatments

In this special episode, we wanted to address some of your questions and concerns with regards to coronavirus and what this means for your fertility treatments. So over the next few weeks, we’re bringing in the experts!  First up we chat with Julie Morgan, who like...

The impact of Corona Virus on your Fertility Treatments

In this special episode, we wanted to address some of your questions and concerns with regards to coronavirus and what this means for your fertility treatments. So over the next few weeks, we’re bringing in the experts!  First up we chat with Julie Morgan, who like...

How to deal with the fears we have about becoming parents

Covid-19 and fertility treatments We appreciate given the current crisis you may well be worrying about what covid-19 means for your fertility treatments, and therefore at the beginning of this episode, we give you an update on the current advice. At the moment, there...
Listen and Learn about Endometriosis

Listen and Learn about Endometriosis

March is Endometriosis awareness month, and I wanted to draw your ears to previous podcast episodes we have share taking with Emma Cox is the CEO of Endometriosis UK and we’ve spoken a couple of times about the work she does to raise awareness and offer support I also...

How can we understand more about male infertility?

Today it’s my son Phoenix’s 5th Birthday! Phoenix is my inspiration for making this podcast and without getting to soppy, he’s my reason why. He’s also the reason why I put a bit emphasis on talking about male factor infertility issues as we...

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