How many men are struggling with infertility?

May 8, 2017

This week a new survey released by IVI  showed the number of men deeply  affected by infertility blues was higher than women.

Tony Rutherford, Medical Director, IVI

As many as 7 out of 10 talked about the negative emotional impact from having IVF.

Twice as many men as women talked about the impact of the fertility blues lasting up to five years.

To understand more about the findings, I spoke to Tony Rutherford,Medical Director  at IVI about the study.  Along with the survey findings IVI has already released a guide to support men going through the IVF process:

‘A Man’s Guide to Fertility Treatment’ 

Dr. Esmee Hannah, Leeds Becket University

If hearing about this survey has made you wish you had the opportunity to speak about your own feelings, well the good news is you can.

Also this week, Dr. Esmee Hannah from Leeds Becket University along with Fertility Network UK has launched a survey that is available for you to answer in your own time online, asking men to share their infertility experiences.

You can find out more here  and you can also follow Dr. Esmee on Twitter here 


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